How To Clean Mould From Your Wicker Furniture

Wicker is an excellent material for outdoor furniture, but if you keep it in a moist environment, it may develop mould or mildew. Fortunately, it is easy to clean off, particularly if you catch it early.

Remove dust

The first thing to do is to remove any dirt or debris that has gathered on the furniture. Use a feather duster first, as this should be able to dislodge most of the dirt. Unfortunately, wicker furniture is full of crevices where dirt can accumulate, so you may also need to use your vacuum.

Work outside

You should clean the furniture outside. This is partly so it will dry quickly, but also because you will be using a bleach solution, which could give off harmful fumes. Make sure you choose a dry day without any rain or humidity forecast.

Scrub with bleach

Dilute the bleach in water—you only need a little bleach for the solution to be effective. Make sure you use rubber gloves and eye protectors when working with the bleach. Dip a soft-bristled brush into the solution and scrub all the parts of the furniture that have mildew or mould on them. The bleach will kill the mould and the brush will remove it from the furniture.

Wipe it down

Dip a sponge into the bleach solution and use it to clean the whole piece of furniture, regardless of whether there was mould on it or not. This will ensure that all traces of the mould are removed and that there is no musty smell left behind.

Rinse it

Now use a clean sponge dipped in water to rinse away all the bleach. Don't worry about making the wicker too wet. It will soon dry thoroughly, and it is important that both the mould and the bleach are washed off the furniture.

Dry thoroughly

Use a towel to dry the furniture as much as possible. You will not be able to get into all the crevices, so afterwards you should leave it outside to dry off properly. Don't put it in the sun, and try not to put it anywhere humid. You may need to leave it for a couple of days before it is ready to use.

If this doesn't remove all the mould, just try it again—it may take several cleanings to get rid of it completely. You should then try to keep the furniture dry in future. This will keep your wicker furniture attractive and free of mould for your family and friends to enjoy.

Contact a professional to learn more about caring for wicker furniture
